RV Site 20 - 1136 North End Road, Salt Spring Island, BC +1 (604) 805-9622 [email protected]

ArtFly FishingInspiration

ROSI OLDENBURG IS AN ARTIST of international repute and deservedly so. The art she creates in coloured pencil are simply amazing and she is adding another feather to her cap as far as recognition of her talents go. Colored Pencil… Continue Reading…

Classic FliesFly FishingFly TyingInspiration

WHAT A PORTFOLIO THIS IS and will become over time… Fly Tying in Inspiration on IS! Inspired Spaces is pleased to launch the Fly Tying portfolio, featuring nine masters in the art of designing and/or tying flies. This page introduces professional… Continue Reading…

ArtClassic FliesFly Fishing

THE CLASSIC SIMPLICITY OF A SPEY FLY has both fish- and eye-appeal. The sweeping lines of a palmered spey hackle, make this fly what it is.  The natural tones of the body, red breast feather of the Golden Pheasant, and… Continue Reading…

DestinationsFly Fishing

MEET THE MAN BEHIND DRIFTING RIVERS in a McKenzie style drift boat, a handcrafted wooden boat that is legendary on the rivers of the Pacific Northwest. Greg Hatten, Owner at Wooden Boat Adventures, loves putting himself and his clients on… Continue Reading…

Fly FishingInspiration

CHRISTMAS ISLAND ~ Kiritimati ~ is located approximately 1,200 miles south of Hawaii and is considered to be one of the world’s largest pristine atoll. Even today this unspoiled fishery is still a ‘top of list’ destination for many fly… Continue Reading…

ArtFly FishingInspiration

ONE PENDLETON RIVER DRIFT BOAT with a selection of ROSI ART boat skins… something to whet your appetite… to get you thinking “Which Rosi art is perfect for my boat?”. This post builds on the initial announcement that Rosi Oldenburg… Continue Reading…

ArtFly FishingInspiration

IS A ROSI ART DRIFT BOAT SKIN something you’d like on your drift boat to personalize your boat? If it is, then look no further… Rosi Oldenburg would LOVE to work with you to make your drift boat a stunning… Continue Reading…

Fly FishingInspiration

IAN’S SPECIAL ~ When I was first introduced to this fly in the early 90s I honestly didn’t think much of it. To me it seemed like just another attractor pattern to add to my growing list of flies. Twenty-six… Continue Reading…

Fly FishingInspiration

BAITFISH ~ IMITATIONS FOR FLY PATTERNS should be slender in appearance. Dorsal in various shades of olive green to black will cover most patterns, with hues of purple, pink and blue not as common. Sides and bellies are iridescent, and… Continue Reading…