RV Site 20 - 1136 North End Road, Salt Spring Island, BC +1 (604) 805-9622 [email protected]

Classic Flies

Classic fly with Atlantic Salmon Fly International 2016 pin by Scott Norris :: Inspired Spaces
Classic Atlantic Salmon Fly : Silver and Grey © Scott Norris

Scott Norris admiring a fish in hand :: Inspired SpacesCLASSIC FLIES ARE BEAUTIFUL WORKS OF ART, each handcrafted to the exacting specifications of the fly designer. Whether tied purely for presentation in a shadowbox or tied to be fished, classic flies are an art form all unto itself in the field of fly tying.

With roots in the days of yore in England, Scotland and other European countries, many of the feathers and fibres incorporated into classic fly patterns were sourced while explorers from these countries were sailing the globe in search of new lands to claim for king or queen and country. While many of the fly patterns created with exotic feathers and fur from countries far afield are a visual delight, all flies were or are intended to be fished.

To launch this portfolio, Inspired Spaces is featuring the artistry of Scott Norris and Chris Wesson, two masters at tying classic flies.

Please revisit the IS web site as INSPIRATION expands to include more classic fly tyers who are passionate about tying the traditional patterns and/or designing contemporary patterns to add to the diverse collection of classic flies that exist today.

Enjoy your explorations of… Classic Flies in INSPIRATION

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For more info…

Richard Mayer
CEO, Inspiration
email me

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