RV Site 20 - 1136 North End Road, Salt Spring Island, BC +1 (604) 805-9622 [email protected]


Waterlily flower as watercolour :: Inspired Spaces
Water Lily © Richard Mayer

Richard Mayer :: Inspired SpacesCHASING THE LIGHT IS AN OFT-USED PHRASE that reflects the essence of photography. The artists who pursue illusive images are ever-watchful for those moments that are captivating and unique… visual statements that personify the beauty in Mother Nature, people and other more inanimate subjects. Seeing the image before taking the shot has a lot to do with capturing the light.

To launch this portfolio, Inspired Spaces is featuring the artistry of Richard Mayer, CEO, Inspiration, for IS. Aaron Goodis, another master in chasing the light, is also featured on the IS web site. Check ’em out!

Please revisit the IS web site over time as INSPIRATION expands to include a diverse mix of photographers who are passionate about ‘light graphics’… a literal translation of ‘photography’ …and sharing images captured on film or digitally.

Enjoy your explorations of… Photography in INSPIRATION

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For more info…

Richard Mayer
CEO, Inspiration
email me

Inspired to Live. Live to INSPIRE! :: Inspired Spaces

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